Kom vrijdag 31 januari van 16.00 tot 21.00 uur naar de Open Dag en ontdek de school.🙌 Er zijn 10 air up flessen verstopt door de school. Ga op zoek en wie weet, vind jij er een!
The Ichthus College is a secondary school for vmbo-tl (pre-vocational education), havo (higher general secondary education) and vwo (pre-university education). Our school has around 2,000 students. They are taught at one location. Big? Not really, because the building is organized in such a way that school feels small-scaled. You can see that in the way the building is divided. Each department has its own place and atmosphere so that you feel safe and comfortable and know you are not invisible. Each curriculum (VMBO-TL, HAVO and VWO) is a school in itself with its own director, which is nice and clear. As a result, we know our students well. Moreover, we aim to provide education which leverages your unique talents and skills as much as possible. You are not only seen but you feel taken seriously as well.
We are Ichthus College, a Christian school on a reformational basis. The Bible is our compass. Together with all our pupils, we are a mini-society. This is how we prepare you for a follow-up study and for society.